Finding NICs That Aren’t VMXNET3

Earlier this week, someone on our team received a request to change a VMware virtual machine’s NIC from e1000 to VMXNET3. While the change was a bit manual in nature due to the Guest OS configuration changes, it got us thinking… How many other VM’s might still have e1000 NIC adapters? So, I started working on a script to find out.

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PowerCLI: Create New VM Port Groups in a Cluster

Hello again, everyone! Recently, I’ve been working on a script that will create new VM Port Groups on a virtual standard switch (vSS) in a given cluster. While this could probably be alleviated by using a virtual distributed switch (vDS), let’s assume that you have a need to stick with vSS for whatever reason (licensing, company standards, etc.).

In this script, it validates that the VLAN number is in fact a whole number within the range of 1 through 4905. At the end of the script, it asks if you’d like to add another port group to the same cluster or not. I found this to be very handy if you’re standing up a new cluster that only contained vSS, or simply adding more port groups to an existing cluster.

Continue reading “PowerCLI: Create New VM Port Groups in a Cluster”